For the first time for about 5 years we held a Power Scale Club Competition under the auspicious leadership of Peter Anthony Jervis, our tireless administrator extraordinaire on 30th October 2022. A good time to hold a competition because:-
- The wind is likely to be strong enough for PSS models which need not only good lift but also a good slope and at least 20mph.
- All the PSS events are over for the year but it is close enough to the last event of the season to be of interest still.
- There is slope for each wind directiion, and at some, such as Edge Top, in the case of yesterday, ample parking.
- Fabulous prize money of £20.
- Good weather conditions this time, we were lucky.
- Some of our members are also in the PSSA, and have been for some years.
So, we all assembled to take part at 10.30am as invited (some were late and missed out on prizes!) After a bit of a chin wag, and some “Oohs”, and “Aaahs” at the splendid models on display we listened to a briefing by Ant who was brief and to the point as is his wont. There were only 2 rules – no more than six models in the air at once, stand together when flying, two hours to fly, then a vote for the best model which would earn a prize of £20…well alright then 4 rules.
The weather was overcast the slope faced SSW and its name is Edge Top. It is a good slope but straight, so if the wind is slightly off one gets turbulence, and patchy lift. Neither applied and at first the lift was stonking. Around Midday, however, rain was forecast, and gradually the lift got worse as the storm approached and the air became damper. There were pockets of lift and sink, but most PSS models flew well. I put up my big JP, Spirfire, and Hurricane,
Helpfully there are two poles by the gate, left over from a Just Mudder event at the site with pieces of banner attached, which act as a good windsock. The wind was bang on but the lift didn’t improve again untiil after the downpour at lunchtime, when we all retreated hastily to cars for coffee and butties, as it poured down.
Anyway this is not a weather forecast but a summary of flying. There was one model that stood out and which won but more adieu.
Worthy of note were:-
- A lovely little P Zero which was quite light but flew well.
- Phil Cooke’s old BAE Andy Conway Hawk which flew really well at the hands of a needlessly nervous pilot now revealed to be Phil Curtis from Melton Mowbray – a long way to travel so thank you.
- Simon Cocker’s Venom which was HUGE, as is his wont. Not his build, but nice none the less accurate,and flown with superb aplomb over one’s head in the exhibition manner we have come to appreciate from him. He had brought his B52 but didn’t fly it.
- An amazingly large white Vulcan which Andy Gough brought along after the competition was over so couldn’t enter. Simon helped him trim it when it eventually picked up its nose and didn’t look as though it would descend to a walk of shame. Another nice Kettle Vulcan was flown by Harry Twist in the same white high altitude finish.
- A clutch (if that is the correct collective noun) of Fouga Magisters some before and others after the competition from Dave Gilder, Johnny Vaughan (a particularly nice Belgium finish), Bob Jennings (that amazing Tiger Finish all hand painted and airbrushed), and a red one by Roy Ridealgh, also from Melton Mowbray. They are likely to be Island Models versions, which always make good PSS models, they originally being designed as a glider.
- A realistic looking Airbus we have seen before from Dave GIlder in the livery of Quantas
- Two lovely Depron constructed models of a Red Arrows Hawk and a Tucano made and flown by Phil (I think?).
- I brought along 3 models I have not flown for a while, which all got votes apparently namely my big JP in the standard colours based on a plane that is still flying based at Newcastle, an El Alamein Hurricane, and a Mark 1 Spitfire in the livery of its spell as a Training Aircraft at the beginning of WW2.
- A Huge Red Hawker Hunter known as the “back wrecker” due to its weight and the injury it caused to Doctor Jeff Mortimer a few seasons ago. This is a lovely model but never seemed to get away. Probably needs 85mph off the Wrecker in South Wales methinks.
- A nice Skyhawk in White and Red Livery
So after a lot of flying, a rain deluge, and lunch, Ant called us together to announce that although I had received a few votes for all my models (Ant didn’t mentioned that I offered him a wadge of cash and a free holiday to the Seychelles), the overwhelming winner was Simon Cocker, and deservedly so. His flying is in another league, and is genuinely designed to please the crowd and draw attention to the grace of such a large model. Well done Simon who was encouraged to buy us all a drink at the WInking Man which never, sadly, materialised…maybe next time eh?……..
The sun then came out, the temperature dropped and various late comers, who couldn’t enter the competition because it was over, arrived. Shame because there were some lovely models such as Bob’s Fouga, and Andy Gough’s Vulcan Bomber They may have stood a fighting chance but we will never know.
So finally thank you to all those whose photographs I have put into one of our albums, thank you to Ant for organising it. More competitions next year so keep and eye on Facebook and this site Events Page
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