Straight from HQ, we have now been able to find out the names of the successful A Test passers as well as those who have already taken A Tests successfully.
Unforrtunately I cannot identify correctly all those who appear in the photograph but I am almost there.
There are still many who have not passed (myself excluded but I hope to take my B Test as soon as John Biggin becomes qualitied to examine at the B Level)
The succssful passers in the photo are :- ;left to right – Howard Jones, Jonathan Wells, John Biggin (Examiner) and Phil Curtis.. Keith has kindly sent me a spreadsheet with the names of those who have passed recently. They are:-
- Mark Ollier
- Martin Lawrence
- Clive Sharp
- Phillip Curtis
- Simon Jenkinson
- Howard Jones
Thank you to Phil for emailing me and kindly disclosing his identity. In these days of data theft it is indeed a brave step to take judging by how many hits these exciting news stories get!
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