There we were ambling along to the Mermaid, when Keith (not our Keith, my Keith) spotted over on Edge Top a very low flying aircraft which we thought was slightly odd. The wind was slightly off Edge Top, so we finished our very nice homemade Flash Stores pasty, and drove over to the Mermaid Pool.
We took our time getting models out of the car. By chance I had brought my Vulcan Bomber to fly.
When we got to the flying area, everyone was in a bit of a lather as a real Vulcan Bomber had just flown past within yards of eveyone so close they could almost touch it.
There is only one flying Vulcan left in the country, and Keith and I had missed it.
Peter the adjudicator was there doing tests, and the others saw such an amazing site. And Keith and I missed it. More disappointing, I coudln’t fly my Vulcan because the servo in the wing had become loose.
Fortunately, Andy managed to get a picture on his phone, but the quality is not the best. It could almost be my model Vulcan flying, but I promise you it isn’t.
What a site it must have been, and I am pig sick I missed it.
When I got home, I went on t’internet, and found the Vulcan Bomber site which is here. It was on its way to a show in Cleethorpes. It is based in Lincoln so how Leek is on the way to Cleethorpes, I really don’t know. I think he was just doing us a fly past because he had read that I had built a Vulcan, and he wanted to show off – typical…..
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